Our Goals Change Our Behaviour

A few weeks ago I was travelling home from Vancouver when I noticed Chris Hadfield, retired Canadian astronaut, was sitting just a few seats ahead of me. Last year, Chris released the book An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth, which I listened to on audio.

Besides being an interesting and inspiring read, Chris’ book shared a message that has truly resonated with me: Our goals change our behaviors.

AstronuatAt just nine years of age, Chris Hadfield made a conscious decision to become an astronaut; something he remembers in vivid detail. Chris explains that having this trajectory so clearly in his sightlines made it easy to make decisions in his day-to-day life. Everything from his physical health to the grades he got in school were impacted by Chris’ unshakable desire to become an astronaut.

Chris’ insight can certainly transcend to real estate. If you want to be a million-dollar producer, you have to ACT and THINK like a million-dollar producer.  With this goal in your sightlines, what would you start doing differently to move closer to your goal? Stay in regular contact with your current and past clients? Of course. Amp up your internet lead generation strategy? Sure. Become more disciplined about how you spend your time? Absolutely.

For Chris, he merely needed to model his behavior after the astronauts who had already accomplished their careers. You’re no different. Take a look at the million-dollar producers in your area and take note of what they do to be in that league, then follow suit.


What are three things, if done consistently, would move you towards becoming a million-dollar producer?