Our Latest Posts

Ep #30: Un-Marketing Strategies in COVID Times with Scott Stratten
My next guest on The Richard Robbins Show has been professionally UnSpeaking to audiences around the world for over a decade. Scott Stratten, best-selling author, internationally-acclaimed speaker and co-owner of UnMarketing Inc., shares his views on the changing landscape of business and how we need to effectively communicate with our audiences (clients). When chatting about…
How to Open New Real Estate Conversations Post-Quarantine
As Canadian cities begin to strategically reopen after months in quarantine, I believe that now is the time to be communicating with your database in preparation for the resurgence of the real estate market. Buyers and sellers, who cautiously paused their real estate activity, will be looking for expert guidance in these uncertain environments. The…
Ep #29: Conquering COVID, Thriving Virtually with Doug Bolger
Anyone familiar with RRI will know my next guest. Doug Bolger is founder and CEO of Learn2, a company focused on leadership development and optimizing human performance. For over 30 years his company has been creating immersive, hands-on programs and events that achieve lasting behavioral change. Then COVID-19 appeared. Doug and his company have survived…
April 2020 Real Estate Market Updates
MARKET QUICK LINKS: Toronto | Calgary | Edmonton | Vancouver | Fraser Valley | Ottawa Business professionals of every discipline, in every country around the world, are following a new set of guidelines and best practices. Altering your business to meet these changes and challenges will help you thrive in this New Normal. COVID-19 has…
The Old, Now and New Normal in Real Estate Post-COVID
When it comes to real estate today, we have three “normals” we’re dealing with. As we look back (Pre-COVID), we had the “Old Normal” where open houses were plentiful, in-person showings were encouraged and the markets were heating up for a great spring. The “Now Normal” is of course much different with a temporary ban…
Ep #28: Reducing Stress, Finding Zen with Jason Campbell
“I wonder what thought I’m going to have next.” A curious question to ask yourself, but this was just many of the concepts and ideas that were discussed during the latest episode of The Richard Robbins Show. My next guest was introduced to meditation at just 8 years old and is now founder and Master…
Ep #27: 100 Years Behind Bars: Choosing Hope and Staying Inspired with Andre Norman
This next interview on The Richard Robbins Show is unlike any other before it. My guest was sentenced to over 100 years in prison, served 2 of those years in solitary confinement and now runs a non-profit organization doing crisis management and leadership development around the world. Andre Norman was a convicted felon. He was…
5 Ways to Stay Productive in Real Estate During COVID-19
The world is in crisis mode and while no one is entirely sure how long it will last or what the lasting impact will be, we are still in control of what we do today. So, what does that mean for real estate professionals and your business activities now? Should you…
Q1 2020 Real Estate Market Updates
MARKET QUICK LINKS: Toronto | Calgary | Edmonton | Vancouver The full impact of COVID-19 on Canadian Real Estate markets has not yet played out as you will see in this Q1 2020 market update. As such, I will be going back to doing these market videos monthly for the next few months so we…
Ep #26: 2 Hours a Day Is All It Takes to Win with Debra Bain
My next guest on The Richard Robbins Show is Broker/Owner of the #1 RE/MAX brokerage in the world. Debra Bain’s real estate career spans over thirty years, she is an expert recruiter, savvy business owner and a recognized authority in the real estate industry. Alongside her partners Ken McLachlan and Steve Tabrizi, Debra is currently…