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Overcoming Overwhelm & Uncertainty in Your Real Estate Sales Business
[vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEuL4UuQUUA”] One of the most common challenges I hear daily in real estate sales is “overwhelm.” Whether it’s sifting through the proliferation of new technologies and lead generating platforms or deciding who to call and what to say, I know how difficult it is to stay focused. Confusion, uncertainty and overwhelm are the norm…
Top 5 Activities Top Producers Spend 75% of Their Time
Video/Blog Post by Richard Robbins [vc_video title=”” link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BObDbiuE6vo&feature=youtu.be”] It’s not news that we all have the same 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The only differentiator is what we each choose to do with the time we have. Here are top 5 dollar-productive activities that the majority of top producers spend 75% of…
Small Talk Leads to Big Results | Richard Robbins
“All things being equal, people will do business with and refer business to, those people they know, like and trust.” — Bob Burg When it comes to buying or selling one of our most valuable assets (our homes), rest assured pixels cannot replace people. People want to buy from people but not just…
5 Steps to Successfully Negotiate Your Commission
[vc_video title=”” link=”https://youtu.be/OggHacJGuGM”] In the absence of clearly communicated value, commission will almost always be an issue. Learning to communicate your value to potential buyers and sellers has never been more crucial to your bottom line. Here are 5 steps designed to make the negotiation process easier and more successful. Step 1 Pre-Qualify….
3 EASY Steps to Boost Lead Conversion
Video Blog by Richard Robbins July 7, 2015 [vc_video title=”” link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNIao1JynUk”] Chances are you have more leads than you think. Finding leads is step one in sales but the real secret is in your ability to convert leads to actual customers. Imagine if you could convert just one more lead to a face-to-face appointment each…
5 Low-Inventory Solutions to Finding Listings
June 26, 2015 By Richard Robbins [vc_video title=”” link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ms8EjWUpNU&feature=youtu.be”] If you’re in one of Canada’s larger city centers, chances are you are currently dealing with a shortage of inventory, overpriced listings and even competing offers. Imagine if you could tap into a host of other hidden resources for your buyers, offer more selection and avoid…
The Simplest Secret to Better Results
The Simplest Secret to Better Results [vc_video title=”” link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Or8ZQmu7I7w”] The question is not whether or not you can double your business and achieve things beyond your wildest dreams, because you can. The question is will you choose to do things differently. Here’s a short clip that reveals the simplest secret to producing better results that…
Helping Seller’s Understand The Pitfalls of Overpricing
by Richard Robbins [vc_video title=”” link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dot1CvH6XUg”] I would suggest that the second most common objection on a listing appointment is list price. We’ve all encountered sellers who want to list their home too high or at a price that is higher than what the market may bear to “see what happens.” Knowing how to optimally…
Overcoming the #1 Listing Appointment Objection
Video Blog by Richard Robbins May 25, 2015 [vc_video title=”Overcoming the number 1 Listing Appointment Objection” link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnrbXItUBhk”] In the spirit of the great adage, “Change your words, change your worth,” I am excited to bring you with objection handling video training series to help you overcome some of the most common, yet often, difficult objections…
Read3 Easy Ways to Motivate Yourself in Minutes
Video Blog by Richard Robbins May 18, 2015 [vc_video title=”” link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiTW18hzeC4″] Staying motivated and exited about your business and life is a something that eludes far too many people today. Our homes are bigger, we have more cars, we have more stuff and we have more choice – yet studies reveal depression is up to…