Does Prospecting Still Work Today?

Have you noticed that prospecting, in its traditional form, isn’t quite producing the results it used to? Here’s why: As the internet increases consumer access to information, it decreases their need to contact an agent, particularly in the early phases of buying and selling.

The result is that prospecting, at least in the ways we used to think about it, is a) producing lower returns, and b) being perceived as increasingly invasive.

So, should you stop prospecting? No.

Should you change the intention from which you prospect? Yes!

The phone calls. The door knocking. The emails. The networking. The tweets, the posts, the newsletters, the articles, the ads and the conversations… they all need to keep happening. But their intention has to change from landing a lead to giving value.

Step One: Change Your Time Frame

You’ll need to shift your perspective from one of quick reward to one of long-term investment. You’re going to have to invest more, sooner, and for longer, to get leads. The time between first contact and doing business is going to grow, and you’ll need to fill that gap with things that add value and ensure that people choose you when the time is right.

In other words, we need to bring value to clients before they become clients.

Step Two: Focus on Education

The key to proving your value—to building that trifecta of trust, value and loyalty—is to shift your focus to education.

  • Blog: Bring your insight to the web in the form of written articles.
  • Use social media: Engage in conversations and share industry knowhow that demonstrates your value and expertise.
  • Speak up in real life: Share your expertise in front of real people in real time.


Step Three: Educate Consistently and Frequently

Whatever it is you choose to do to become an educator, you need to do it often and consistently. An outdated website, an abandoned blog, and a stale social media channel are all signs of someone who’s not committed. Do it consistently. Share your insights with the world—it costs nothing but your time.