Ep #117: Words of Wisdom from the CEO of OREA, Tim Hudak

On the 117th episode of The Richard Robbins Show, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Tim Hudak who has spent the majority of his professional career in the public eye.

A graduate of Western University in London, ON, Tim received his Masters of Economics from the University of Washington. He served as an MPP from 1995 to 2016 and was the Leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservatives from 2009 to 2014. 

Since his retirement from Canadian politics, he has served as the CEO of the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) since 2016. As part of his work at OREA, Tim was named one of the most powerful people in North American residential real estate by Swanepoel Power 200 for the last 5 years.

In this episode of The Richard Robbins Show, Tim and I talk about his career, from Walmart to Parliament Hill. Tim shares his viewpoint on affordable housing in the Canadian real estate market, shares some tips on how to stand out in your business and lets listeners know why it’s important to always bet on yourself.

Listen to the Full Episode:

What You’ll Learn In Today’s Episode

  • The critical role of public speaking and why mastering it is an essential skill.
  • The significance of home ownership and why it impacts communities and individuals.
  • Addressing the Canadian housing shortage and innovative solutions to address it.
  • The positive impact of a handwritten note and why it boosts personal and professional connections.

Ideas Worth Sharing

Reinforce the value of expertise. Click To Tweet Take chances. Be the one who steps forward to take on the tough jobs because even if you don’t succeed, you gain respect and experience for trying Click To Tweet The more rare and old school it is, the more powerful it is Click To Tweet

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