Chris Cummins

RRI Certified Real Estate Trainer


Real estate and business professionals across the country love Chris’ unique ability to deliver highly customized, educational content in a hilarious, approachable and real-world style. With RRI for over a decade now, Chris has delivered programs to over 20,000 business owners and 500 organizations across North America.

A naturally gifted speaker, Chris takes everyone on an exhilarating journey that educates with expert storytelling, dramatic personal stories, and humorous anecdotes. His warm and engaging, yet powerful and dynamic style is irresistible.

Whether laughing until their sides ache or alternately pausing to ponder life’s ironies, Chris’ audience members consistently walk away with a fresh outlook on life, renewed enthusiasm for business, and a joyful, infectious spring in their step.

Senior executives, business owners, sales people & real estate professionals alike appreciate Chris’ unique ability to deliver highly educational content in a hilarious, approachable and very “real” style.

In his upcoming book, You Can’t Do That! – Oh Yeah? Watch Me!, Chris interviews people who were told they would never be able to accomplish something but went and did it anyway. Chris walks the talk and will take you on a journey that will leave you with the tools for living the “when you believe, you achieve” lifestyle.


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