Top 5 Activities Top Producers Spend 75% of Their Time

Video/Blog Post by Richard Robbins

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It’s not news that we all have the same 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The only differentiator is what we each choose to do with the time we have. Here are top 5 dollar-productive activities that the majority of top producers spend 75% of their time on.

Prospecting & Marketing
The name of the game in real estate is getting face-to-face. Top producers spend at least 2 hours per day generating new business with a single focus on setting a face-to-face appointment. Real estate is a contact sport and top producers know the most effective use of their time is being in front of client or potential clients. Learn from top producers and ensure your marketing and lead generating strategies focus on funneling potential buyers and sellers toward getting face-to-face with you.
Qualifying Buyers
Top producers are experts at qualifying buyers for need and motivation. They value their time and expertise and focus on meeting with potential buyers first (before showing property) in order to conduct a detailed needs analysis. Top producers have mastered the art of knowing exactly what a buyer wants and needs to dramatically increase their efficiency and effectiveness at finding buyers their dream home faster and for the best price.
Showing Property to Qualified Buyers
Top producers spend time showing property to qualified buyers. Keyword: qualified buyers.
Listing Presentations & Market Analysis
Performing listing presentations or CMA’s (comparative market analysis) analysis’ are both highly productive activities that most top producers spend time on.
Negotiating Offers & Contracts
Top producers are masterful negotiators and if they aren’t generating business or meeting clients, they are negotiating offers and contracts. Rest assured, negotiating skills is a huge differentiator for real estate professionals as it is one activity that cannot be taken over by technology.
Quick Exercise to Test Your Productivity

Take some time to analyze your day. Download the Time Awareness Tracker here and track your activities for a day. How many hours did you spend working and how much of that time was spent engaging in one or more of these 5 activities?

Okay so how did you do? How many hours or minutes did you log working on these 5 activities in one day? Let us know below.

Until next time, make it count.
